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Home Exercises a Physiotherapist May Suggest for Ankle Pain


As we go about our daily activities, our ankles often bear the brunt of our movements, making them susceptible to injuries and pain. Ankle pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as ankle sprains, strains, or overuse. If you’re experiencing ankle pain, seeking the guidance of a physiotherapist can be beneficial. Ankle physiotherapy can help relieve pain, improve mobility, and prevent further injuries. 

In this article, we will explore four home exercises that a physiotherapist may suggest for ankle pain as part of an ankle sprain physiotherapy treatment plan.

4 Exercises A Physiotherapist May Suggest for Ankle Pain

A physiotherapist may suggest the following four exercises at home:

1. Ankle Range of Motion Exercises

Range of motion exercises helps improve the mobility of the ankle joint and reduce stiffness. These exercises can be performed in a seated or lying position and involve moving the ankle in different directions. Examples of ankle range of motion exercises include ankle circles, ankle alphabet, and dorsiflexion/plantarflexion exercises. These exercises can help improve the flexibility and strength of the ankle joint, which can aid in the recovery process from ankle pain.

2. Ankle Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises are crucial for restoring the stability and strength of the ankle after an injury. These exercises target the muscles around the ankle joint, including the calf muscles, which play a significant role in ankle stability. Examples of ankle strengthening exercises include calf raises, ankle dorsiflexion with a resistance band, and ankle eversion/inversion exercises. These exercises can help improve the stability of the ankle joint, reduce the risk of future injuries, and aid in the recovery of ankle pain.

3. Proprioception Exercises

Proprioception, or the body’s ability to sense its position and movement in space, is important for maintaining balance and stability. Proprioception exercises can help improve the awareness and control of the ankle joint, which can be beneficial in preventing re-injury. Examples of proprioception exercises include single-leg balance exercises, wobble board exercises, and ankle proprioceptive taping. These exercises challenge the ankle joint’s stability and can aid in the recovery of ankle pain by improving proprioceptive feedback and reducing the risk of re-injury.

4. Ankle Mobility Exercises

Loss of ankle mobility can contribute to ankle pain and dysfunction. Ankle mobility exercises can help improve the flexibility and range of motion of the ankle joint, which can be beneficial in reducing pain and improving overall ankle function. Examples of ankle mobility exercises include ankle dorsiflexion stretch, calf stretches, and ankle plantarflexion stretch. These exercises can help improve ankle joint mobility, reduce stiffness, and aid in the recovery process from ankle pain.

In conclusion, ankle pain can be debilitating and affect our daily activities. Ankle physiotherapy, including home exercises, can play a vital role in the management and recovery of ankle pain. The four home exercises mentioned above, including ankle range of motion exercises, ankle strengthening exercises, proprioception exercises, and ankle mobility exercises, can help improve the flexibility, strength, stability, and overall function of the ankle joint. 

However, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified physiotherapist to ensure that these exercises are appropriate for your specific condition and to receive proper guidance on how to perform them correctly. Remember to start with gentle movements and progress gradually, and always listen to your body. With the right guidance and consistency, ankle physiotherapy exercises can help you on your road to recovery and regain pain-free ankle function.

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